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Portsonic Communications, LLC

Data Warehousing

Find out information about our Data Warehousing services

Last Updated: March 11, 2024

What Is Data Warehousing?

Are you tired of placing your data in one of those other "Cloud" companies where you never see where your data is located? Are you tired of the numerous data breaches that occur each year with "Cloud" based companies?

Enter the Portsonic data warehousing solution - local. With our new regional data center under construction, we take the "Cloud" away from your business where your data floats around the world and simplify a secure data access point to your most mission critical data. We keep and make your data accessible directly through our regional data center.

The Portsonic data warehouse solution is restricted to specifically city, county, state, federal government agencies and private businesses and is not open to the general public for personal data storage. The Portsonic data warehouse solution will be made available to various city, county, state, federal government and private business through contracts with Portsonic Communications in Arizona once the Kingman, Arizona data center becomes fully operational.